is a 2014 Japanese tokusatsu television drama. It is the fourth television series set in the ''Garo'' universe, this time focusing on the character of Raiga Saezima, the latest to take on the mantle of the Golden Knight Garo. The series began broadcast on April 4, 2014, on TV Tokyo and its sister stations in the TX Network. ==Plot== ''Garo: Makai no Hana'' follows Raiga Saezima, the son of Kouga Saezima and Kaoru Mitsuki. After his parents' disappearance when he was little, Raiga was trained by Silver Knight Zero to succeed his father as the new Golden Knight Garo, being ultimately granted this honor after Kouga (who unbeknownst to Raiga is still alive somewhere), relinquishes his title to his son to act in his stead. After several years, he is tasked by the Senate to deal with Eyrith, a Horror with the power manipulate space & time and resurrect the dead. Makai Priests of the past had sealed her essence into a stone slab by using nine Horrors as foundation stones. In the present day, this seal has been secretly undone by ''Wicked Bones Knight Giru'', Eiji Busujima, a Shadow Knight who is willing to risk everything to bring back his dead lover, Akari. However, this also set loose the sealed Horrors to prey on innocents. Raiga is assigned to find the Slab Horror that contains the seed of Eyrith before she's revived; the Senate sends Madōgu (magical tool) Mayuri, a young woman with the power to seal Horrors, a vital ability to seal the nine Horrors after being defeated by a Makai Knight. To further assist them, the Senate also assigns the Shadow Knight Crow (Giru's disciple) to assist Raiga and Mayuri in their mission, to prevent Eyrith from blooming and bringing Messiah back into the realm of the living. They also gained an unusual friendship with Darkness Hunter Bikuu, an internal affairs priest investigating recent events as well. It was only later that the group discovered Eiji was behind releasing Eyrith that they realized what was happening. Eiji believed he had contained Akari's soul into Mayuri's body; Eyrith could clone her body and have Mayuri transfer her contained soul into Akari's new body. However, it would risk the life of Mayuri; Crow intervened and volunteered his body to save her. After Crow got possessed by Eyrith, Eiji came to his senses and realized his ambitions was an illusion and helped Garo take on Eyrith. After Eyrith found her place to bloom, she left Crow's body and sprouted to become a gigantic plant. She then started opening various time portals throughout history, which was the cause of Raiga's parents disappearing all those years ago. Eyrith offered to bring back Raiga's parents, but Raiga knew the price was too steep to pay and refused. Eyrith then intentionally sent the Garo armor into its ''lost soul beast'' form, hoping Raiga's body would be devoured and kill his allies in the process, however, Raiga managed to regain control and attained new powers to defeat Eyrith. Mayuri unleashed the sealed Slab Horrors and had them reseal Eyrith back into a slab. With the threat over, Mayuri had to return back to her slumber, with everything she experienced magically erased to help pacify her emotions as it can disturb a delicate balance within her. However, Mayuri refused to, she had learned to love the life she had experienced and wanted to be with Raiga. She's resisting the incantations placed upon her, risking her life and the magical sealing powers within her. However, with the help of Bikuu, Raiga was able to free her of her magical binds. After a lengthy coma, Mayuri awakened and welcomed Raiga with a smile; the two can be together now. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Garo: Makai no Hana」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク